Sleep training/ scheduling pressure


Okay, so my baby is 16 weeks old and there’s so much pressure to stop bed sharing, make my baby cry it out, get her on a feeding schedule etc... I really like feeding on demand because every time I start to do a schedule my milk takes a dip.. when I feed on demand my baby gains weigh better. As for bed sharing, my husband wants me to get her out of the bed (which I will eventually do, but right now we all get more sleep with her in my bed)... I have tried scheduling but it causes more stress than anything for me.. I just wanna know if any of you fed on demand/bed shared and how your baby turned out? How long did they sleep in your bed? Were the chaotic as toddlers? Am I “ruining” her by letting her sleep with me? I know this is a FTM group but I’m hoping there are still some seasoned moms in it that can help