I’m so scared

So I took plan B on the 8th of June and it kinda messed up my period made me get my period a week after my period the week before I took the plan b. Since than I’ve had sex for the last time on the 23rd used protection (condominium). My boyfriend says I’m fine but I’m really worried I could be pregnant. One of my two <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period apps</a> says I’m supposed to get my period yesterday and the other one says in around a week. My boobs have been reallly really sore and hard and I’m really freaking out

and I feel like I gained some weight (but I’ve been on vacation so it might be because of that). I’m really freaking out is it normal that my boobs hurt this much. Please let me know