❤UPDATED JULY 13, 2019❤...heart surgery scheduled for July 11th for my Trisomy21 little Babe prayers please


This is my doll baby Journee. She is 8 and a half months and shes a blessing in our lives. She has many health problems and is having open heart surgery here in 4 days, 4hrs away. She is an amazing baby and God has given her to me and has restored my faith since losing my baby girl be 2yrs tomorrow since she was born sleeping on the 8th...can you please keep my Journee in your prayers for her to pull through her surgery on Thursday July 11th. After losing my daughter from early water breaking slowly at 24wks my anxiety has intensified majorly over this up coming surgery. I'm not sure if I can handle this knowing my babys chest and heart will be open. If anything happens to her I pray the Lord takes me with her cause I am having a hard time closer this gets. The surgery will be 12-13hrs long. Please I beg anyone reading this if your a believer in the Lord please pray for my sweet girl. She'll be hospitalized at least 2wks. Many thanks my friends.

♡UPDATE♡JULY 13 2019

Sorry ladies its been a rough couple of days. First off I wanna thank each and every single one of you fornthe prayers and experiences. Those all ment so very much to me.

Journee's b4 surgery started out a little rough cause her surgery was at 8am were waiting in the holding area for 45min (8:45am) when the heart surgeon comes in telling us they haven't gotten an approval for the surgery through her insurance that they sent out just 2 days earlier....so even I know as a mother that insurance can take up to 14 days for an approval unless its an emergency surgery then its automatically approved fast. So why didn't the hospital do this approval thing within the 5wk waiting period for this surgery?!?. So I'm already frustrated with the hospital over this not being taken care of. So finally 15min later (9am) they come in and say its approved, they give her relaxing medicine to help her relax to put the 4 Ivs in needed and once asleep will put her chest tube in and the tube in her neck and her breathing tube. We get a call at 10pm saying shes comfortably asleep all the tubes are in place everything is going as planned and well and will update in about 15-20min when they make the first incision...20min pass we get a call that the surgeon has made the first incision in her chest and will call back in an hour and a half for another update. (Fast forward) we get the call she is now on bypass machine were they had to stop her beating heart to work on it. At this point I'm starting to get nervous, scared and praying... were updated everyhour from this point and got the last call from the O.R saying the surgeonwas fixing to close her chest and would be out shortly to speak with us..(Fast forward to the end of surgery) the surgery took just 6hrs (at first we were told 12-13hrs by the nurse days earlier but she obviously wasn't right) so now its 3pm and the surgeon tells us all went great shes doing well he dosen't see any future surgeries with her heart wise. He then said she will be going up to ICU shortly and from there it'll be 2hrs until we can see her so ICU can set her machines up properly now this is 3pm right?! Fast forward 2hrs now...we get a call telling us she is still the O.R because of a "bed emergency" on the ICU floor...WHAT?!?! could we have MAYBE been told this 2 HOURS SOONER?!?!?! by now its 6pm (3hrs since being told the news) get another call saying shes still in the O.R waiting the emergency still isn't delt with in ICU. So by 9pm still waiting and I'm veey agitated because we have been there since 6am last time I seen my daughter was 9am and its now 9pm and were the ONLY FAMILY left in the waiting area no one is there working all other surgeries have been done for hours and I'm upset and start to hyperventilate. We then grab our stuff and we head to the icU because I'm fighting mad 6hrs is LONG enough when it was only supposed to be the 2hrs! So I'm upstairs ringing the door bell for like 30 more minutes until a patients mom comes out the door so I grab the door and storm through looking for a nurse and I immediately demand a charge nurse asking her were my child is! She said she had been upstairs since 6:45pm and I asked why I wasn't updated on this and all I got was were so sorry! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I finally see my daughter and my anxiety starts to lower....shes very swollen and the sight of her breaks my heart knowing what she went through but at the same time I'm relieved the biggest part is over and now I can focus on her recovery. She is still in the ICU, she had her breathing tube removed last night and slowly took her off the pain medication first to get her awake to remove the tube.it took about 2hrs for her to start slowly waking up but when she did it was like Christmas for her daddy and I we were fussing to give her kisses first lol (I WON! MOM 1 DAD 0) 🤣 Anyways, she is now fully awake but shes VERY fussy and irritable because shes hungry and they weaned her off 1 medication that they told us would make her irritable once it wore off. She can't eat until the other tubes and cpap is weaned so she doesn't aspirate. They gave her morphine to calm her and her pain but she fought through it still trying to roll over with many attempts of larger doses but she still fought it so they had to give her a stronger narcotic. She's resting comfortably right now and I got to hold her for the 1st time last night after her breathing tube was removed and I was on cloud 9!! Thank you all for being here for me I was in shock how much love my daughter received on here my daughter is on the great path of recovery!thanks again!