Natural Remedies?


Hi, so I just found out today that I have PCOS and I meet with my doctor next Wednesday to discuss more. I'm trying to do some homework before my appointment which is a little difficult because it varies from person to person and honestly I grew up thinking all of my symptoms were normal (minus the irregular periods). Anyway, my doctor already said she wants to try medicine, but I was wondering if anyone tried anything natural to ease period pains, regulate their periods or for helping with infertility, such as Castor Oil Packs? I have read that birth control is usually the go to for PCOS, but I stopped it in February because my husband wanted to start trying for kids. When I realized I havent had a period since then, he had me get tested and here we are 💁🏽‍♀️. I would appreciate anyone's knowledge of natural symptom reliefs or anyone's knowledge of PCOS in general. Thanks!