Losing hope.

Angela • 🌈🧸due 12/14/2020

We've been ttc for a year and a half with nothing. Not one missed period. I don't even bother testing or anything anymore. I can't understand why this is happening. I waited until I was 23 to ever have sex, even got on BC before having a penis in me, trying to play by every rule. I'm 30 and I can't help but feel like I made a big mistake in being so careful and trying to have my life perfect before we started trying. Everyone around me has no problem popping them out. It's do hard to watch and be happy. I got criticized a bit in my last post for saying I give up but it's my only recourse. Obviously if I get pregnant I will be ecstatic but I have to tell myself it's fine if it doesn't happen.

Please tell me postive stories? Does anyone feel the way I feel?

My cycle is also much shorter than it was before I took the pill. Anyone else?