
So me and a friend have been trying for 7 months and another friend decided to postpone trying (which is totally fine if you aren't ready don't try). Well she was being passive aggressive because we were trying and didn't change to fit her schedule and weren't going on her Birthday trip. She told everyone how we were trying and at get togethers would go as far as to smell our alcohol or give us shit if we weren't drinking. She started trying 2 months ago and the day AF comes for me (which was 3 days late so I had my hopes up)she tells me she is pregnant. I pushed everything down and was excited for her but the second I got in my car started balling.

She didn't know anything or did any research on what she can and can't have or things she needs to change about her lifestyle. What she needs to do to prepare. She complained about how she doesn't get to drink now. Do you even know what I would give to not be able to drink?!?! I know things will happen in due time for me, but I am just so mad and upset right now. I have been planning and preparing (yes, I am a super planner) and yet after her shaming me and my other friend she gets her BFP on the 2nd month. I am just at a loss. All I want to do it go into the middle of the woods and scream. But i get to be the good friend and help her and be there for her.