Emotional cheating

So my boyfriend and i have been on and off for 2 years...

Does it ever change? Since the very beginning of our relationship, he’s always been friendly with his female friends. Every time I’d bring it up, he’d brush it off. But the messages were there. How he’d tell her he had a fun time with her the night before and hopes for it to happen again. How i later found out they kissed at the bar. How he’d lie about going out with guy friends to meet up with her instead at the bar. How he’d ask her out for some drinks. I’d stay home all the time this would happen, bc i hate going out for drinks. She lost interest in him and so he moved on from that friendship. But then came another time when i tried breaking it off, he would text this other girl. He’d tell her that he always thought she was pretty, but couldnt do anything about it bc he was with me. But now he isnt. And he tried inviting her out for drinks. But then we got back together (without me knowing about this), and he stopped talking to her. Eventually i found out, and tried to break up again. But he was crying, apologizing that it would never happen again, blah blah blah. So we stayed for another year working on it, but it was never the same for me. Then we went on deployment together, and it brought us somewhat closer. When we returned, he was still up to his drinking problem and hanging out with this female friend that i felt like he had a thing for. He always tried denying it, even tho he told me he thought she was pretty and used to like her before we got together. Anyways, im trying to break it off again, and he’s talking to his friend about it. This time he’s telling her that he really likes her and wants to know if they have a chance together. This girl is smart and turns him down bc she knows he’s going thru s heartbreak and felt like she was a rebound. He tried to reassure her that she’s not. Anyways, again me not knowing about this situation, we started talking again. And we’re acting like a couple again...until i saw the messages. I know I’m so stupid for still being in here, it really messed up with my mental health. It’s been a month now since that happened, he said i made things awkward for telling the other girl that he was still acting like my boyfriend when he was telling her all of these things.

But does it get better? I know he gets like this when we are falling apart and he’s not getting affection. But it could be from a fight we had, and I’d ask for some time to cool off. Usually it’s just a night im asking for. But in that time, he’d go out to the bars and talk to that one female friend he always have on the side. It’s been three different girls in the past 2 yrs together.