Cheated then fat shaming me!?

So me and a boyfriend recently split because he cheated on me with a girl at our school who he claimed is just a friend, anyhow I found out shortly and broke things off. I scared the living day lights out of both of them as I am a thicker person then them both, and have much more muscle

After a bit of time friends and I were talking and I guess he had over heard, they were trying to cheer me up since this was not the first time I had been cheated on and it was really putting me down

And a guy who I had hit it off with (after the break up) was off and my ex told him that “I hope you enjoy (my name), I’ve seen her before, she’s not a pretty sight to look at without clothes”

Now I never slept with him but other stuff had happened

My ex started going around telling people this and I told my friends that I was fine, but deep down it hurt me because he knows (ex) that I struggle with my mental health and my weight from an abusive partner before hand

I wouldn’t say I’m big or anything but I play volleyball, basketball rugby and wrestling so I have bigger thighs and weigh around 160 with muscle but to him and many others that makes me fat and not a pretty sight!

I took out my face in case anyone at school is from here

But since the whole thing I’ve had insecurity’s about my body. I work out a lot and am constantly doing sports, but even then I still feel like everything I do to try and make myself feel better is not working

Even my new guy constantly tells me how beautiful and how perfect I am, and I wanna believe him but it’s hard to when I was constantly told I wasn’t good enough

Sorry for my rant...