Implantation or period

Amy • - mummy to Joshua

So my periods are irregular, I get them every month but each cycle can vary between 25 days and 33 days, this month I started my period on the 13th June (cycle day 1) I got a peak reading on my ovulation kit on the 28th (cycle day 16) which means I ovulated on the 29/30th (cycle day 17/18th), I dtd on the 28th, I’m now on cycle day 27th (10 dpo) I tested this morning and got negative....however this last night /morning I am cramping a little and have started bleeding, it is very light and pink mixed in with cm , my period isn’t due until between 11th and 13th (going on how many days I normally go between ovulation and getting my period) my question is..could it be implantation bleeding or the start of an early period. Hoping for the first however it feels like I could be starting my period 😭