Phillia • #GirlMom💗💗

I’m sitting here watching my baby in the hospital bed and thinking that she was just FINE yesterday; what happened?

Friday afternoon, I took her to her pediatrician in hopes that they could tell me why my daughter wasn’t breathing properly..

They told me it was nasal congestion, but mama’s intuition told me it was more than that.

Monday morning comes and I bring her to the hospital thinking that she’d just need an X-ray to see if there was anything in her chest.

She ended up getting the X-ray, a heart ultrasound, blood drawn, many other tests, and had to sleep hooked up to 2 monitors which I thank God for, but seeing my babygirl laying in this hospital bed took me to a place that I’ve never been.

I wanted to take the pain away, I wanted to be her so she didn’t have to go through it all. But somehow whenever something would happen, she would lock eyes with me and immediately stopped crying ❤️ she knows mommy loves her and that I’m there for her. Every time she went to sleep and woke up, mommy was there.

Currently waiting for the doctor to come in and review her bloodwork results, once that’s done that will determine more tests or if we can go home!

Y’all please pray that I can take my baby home, that all results are NEGATIVE and that my baby gets back to her happy, healthy self 🥰


She has Laryngomalacia, which is basically means her vocal cords are too soft and when she gets excited or upset, there’s a floppy part in there that’s causing her to breathe abnormally. It eventually goes away as she gets older and her vocal cords get stronger ❤️ My princess is feeling much better today!

Update #2

After a final test that came back negative, we got to come home today! She’s been a trooper through all of this and she’s out like a light 💕