SEX - How often do “normal couples” have sex?

Hi Girls,

We are ttc and I knew it wouldn’t be so fun when it comes to sex.

My husband is American, I’m from Brazil (I don’t think it is a big thing). But I grew up knowing my parents love each other and have sex all the time. My other relationships always had lots of sex.

We want to have a baby, but I explained to him that it’s impossible to have one without sex 😂The “every other day” rule won’t work for us! This month I told him when I was supposed to O so we had sex for 3 days in a row and he was worned out.

I feel frustrated and sometimes ashamed bc I’m the one asking for sex. It’s been almost a week and I don’t want to complain about it but I’ve been using toys. It is the moment I start questioning if he still feels the same for me and all of that 😖

We talked about it and he says he doesn’t feel in the mood anymore and he is taking Maca, Q10 and a testosterone supplement. He is only 35 and had depression before. He also had a surgery last year and is staying at home before the second one. I know it can affect him mentally. I love him so much!

But I really want to have sex more often!

Is it going to get better? We are only married for 2 years. How much sex do you guys think it’s normal? Am I overreacting?