Cervical Length Update & Curious About Your Baby’s Weight


I’m 16+1 and in the past I’ve had two colposcopies and one cryosurgery so my doctor wanted to check in on my cervical length. I don’t have the longest cervix but it’s also not anything to worry about. I measured 3.5 cm but anything above 2.5 is considered safe. I have to go back every two weeks from here on out which is a bit exhausting but I get to see my little peanut. This is the best shot we got because he’s facing my spine.

What I’m curious to know is what your little beans are weighing in at right now? Liam is measuring at 5 ounces. My app says he should be 3.5 ounces. Obviously, that’s an average but I feel like my baby is on track to be giant.