Severe SPD pain

I’m 39+6 weeks today and my upper thigh and low low abdominal muscles have been aching for months now but it’s usually more annoying than anything else. But yesterday and this morning it officially became unmanageable. I can’t move in bed, can’t dress myself unless I’m sitting down, and can barely walk. This pain is like an 8 and I’m not sure what to do about it. I believe the official name for this condition is symphysis pubic dysfunction. Has anyone else dealt with this? My husband keeps saying we should go to the hospital but I’m not in labor at all, just a LOT of pain. Help!

Update: I’m sleeping on the couch because it’s more comfortable and our bed is kinda high off the ground which makes getting down to pee an excruciatingly painful mission. I have no idea how to dull the pain so I’m just doing my best to live with it until little bebe is born. *sigh*