He’s finally here 😩💙


I went to the Dr. July 3, which was my due date to get checked and get an ultrasound done. Well on the ultrasound his abdomen was measuring out of range, which means it was measuring greater than 42 weeks, so they told me it was estimated that he weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces (could be more or less). The width of his head was measuring 13 to 14. So my dr comes in and checks me, I’m not dilated and I’ve been 75% thinned for a month now. My dr tells me that I’m going to need a c section because my baby cannot fit through my pelvis (I’m only 5’2), which is the last thing I wanted to hear because I wanted to have an all natural delivery. I couldn’t be induced because if I did, then there was a chance he’d get stuck which would cause problems. So I decided to have a c section that afternoon.

So at 6:47 pm on July 3, 2019, I had a 9 pound 10 ounce baby boy. He was 20 inches long, and he is the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. The pain of a c section was worth it.