1yr anniversary of weight loss journey/gym membership


I decided when I was about 9 months postpartum to join a gym and lose my baby weight (after working out at home on a recumbent bike for 5 months with zero results)

Height: 5’9

Pre-pregnancy weight: 145lbs

End pregnancy weight: 165lbs

Weight after birth of baby: 160lbs

(Baby was 7lbs 5oz... so that’s annoying 😑 lol)

Weight when I joined the gym: 155lbs.

Current weight: 126.

So I lost almost 30lbs, and over 30 inches all over my body. I know I don’t look very heavy in the first picture, but I have always been nearly underweight my whole life (lucky genetics... until I got pregnant 😏), and I am small framed.

(Didn’t take many pictures at my heaviest, because they made me feel like crap 😅)

I feel so awesome! I am doing things now I never imagined I’d have the energy to do (like run 3 miles 😬 3x a week). It has really helped with my anxiety as well. I really encourage people to work out just for the mental heath benefits. But any way. It was a lot of work.. a lot of dedication.. but I love the benefits I’ve gained.