Hard to get or not??

When you give your all in a relationship.. Maybe more than you should sometimes. More often than not, the guy gets used to all the affection, attention and everything else but stops returning it! This is my current situation. We have been through a bit of a rough patch recently, and the tiredness of having a baby in March has had us losing our way a bit. Anyway... Sometimes it feels like maybe I want it to work more than he does, he does make an effort now and then but I feel like I'm constantly putting in all the work. There's just a gut feeling there that I'm doing this for nothing so I guess I need advice on how to handle this. Do I take a step back and let it take its course? To a certain extent when a man get shown constant affection etc they start to actually expect it with out realising it works both ways! Sometimes when that affection is withdrawn they suddenly realise we're not chasing them anymore and they realise an effort needs to be made...... Or it could go the other way and get worse 🙈 I do actually want this to work because I didn't start a family with this man just for it to end without trying.