Gift giving advice

Rachelle • Boy mom 💙

So I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. My job has been stressing me out as my due date approaches closer (I’m a Realtor) and I have a client who’s situation I can’t really discuss because there are attorneys involved. Anyway, I’ve never been out in a situation like this at my job so I feel very out of my element and being the middle man between two attorneys has been very stressful and unfair. On top of that, I’m babysitting my moms dog while they’re on vacation, and he’s become sick and keeps having accidents (not his fault, he’s old) but I feel awful and wish there was something I could do. It’s arthritis, and he’s having a hard time controlling his bladder, so it’s not like I can take him to the vet- it’s just part of being an old dog. And then my two lovely kids have been off the walls today, so it’s just been... bad. Anyway, I decided to try to make the best of the day once I got out of my morning funk, and went to the store to pick up ingredients to make my husband his favorite dinner and then went to a department store and grabbed him these shorts he has been wanting for a while. I can’t wait to surprise him when he gets home because he said he was having a bad day, I didn’t tell him my day was going bad, but I think doing this for him and seeing his reaction will help lift my own spirits.

So the reason I am posting this is because I need some ideas on how to surprise him with a very mediocre gift. I have some ideas: just placing the shorts where he keeps his pajamas so when he showers when he gets home, he will see them. Or placing them in the dryer and asking him to grab the load out of the dryer and it just being the shorts. Or should I just hand him the bag and say “Hey I know you had a bad day, maybe this will help cheer you up”. I don’t know, I just want to make it a little special because he’s not expecting it at all and has been wanting these shorts for a while (he has a pair but they’re bright blue and wanted a black pair that would match things better). Any advice would be appreciated!