Who is down to their pre baby weight?


Not me! Lol as much as I would love to be down to my ideal weight, I’m honestly not in a big hurry right now. I’m very slowly getting there. I only have 5 pounds to go and 20 pounds after that. I gained 20 pounds before I got pregnant so I would love to be back down the that weight. Plus, I will eventually have to exercise again because I’m losing my weight in different areas than my previous pregnancies. My husband is still attracted to me the way I am 🤷🏻‍♀️ which is great but I feel like I need to lose my weight for my own confidence to hopefully get more of the spice back.

Plus, I will have a new hairstyle for my son’s first birthday. I love doing something for a fresh start. What’s more perfect than surviving another year of the baby stage.

Here is me, because some days I do feel great being curvier.

And my almost 1 year old, angel baby! 😊