Positive OPK or pregnant?


Hey guys.

So I need some help understanding my calendar. I am normally always a 26-28 day cycle. Have been off BC since March and always ran 26-28days until AF comes. This month we really wanted to start trying so I bought the clear blue advanced digital OPK and after a pack and a half, I got the smiley. So I recorded everything (see calendar below) but now It says I shouldn’t have my period until 35 days after my last one. That seems off by a week? But I had my positive smiley for OPK beginning of July and my peak on the 4th. So I don’t think I could be pregnant because I’m supposed to get AF next week? But it’s a week off my normal schedule due to the OPK. Should I take a pregnancy test or wait? I had some bad cramping near my ovaries yesterday and last week as well as bad left breast pain 2 weeks ago (to the point I had to go to doctor and get a mammogram which came out all clear). Also feel a tad bloated but that could also be the bad food over the holiday. Thoughts? TIA!