Our warrior 💙💛


Today 7/9/19 our sweet Spina Bifida warrior Tucker Joseph💛 made his second appearance into the world (had fetal surgery) at 4:22pm and 3lbs 14oz. This pregnancy has not been easy but all of that was immediately forgotten when I got to see his face. I can not wait until I am able to hold him and kiss him.

Update: Here is our full story...

At 20 weeks we found out that he has Spina Bifida L2-S2. We went to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to have Fetal Surgery to close up his lesion which took place on May 17th. After surgery my amniotic fluid dropped dangerously low and I was in the hospital since I had surgery, today is my 53rd day inpatient. My water broke last night and had contractions throughout the day, we were scheduled for the c section for July 18th and our stubborn boy didn’t want to wait that long. I have not gotten a chance to meet and touch him yet and can not wait to see him💙💛