Sexual assault victims when in the same family as their attackers and family reunions


Should both parties be allowed to go to the family reunion? Should the rapists mother be allowed to host when the rapist most likely lives there? I would love to say that every victim has a protection order in place but unfortunately that's not true, in this case the rapist is on perole and does have a no contact what so ever and must stay at least 500ft away order against them. Please tell me your thoughts. It's both of their family, the victim shouldn't have to loose out on going to the family reunion but it's also not fair to kick the rapist out of their house. Most likely to happen like it did the last time she was supposed to host is that it's moved last minute to a mutual location. It was weird to see both people this year so I'm wondering what the acceptable solution is as it's most likely going to happen again next year. The perole officer did approve him going unaware that the victim was a family member and goes every year.