Female orgasm

I’ve heard/read a lot of times that female orgasm generates smooth contractions that help the conception process, acting as a vacuum for the spermatozoon on their way up and stimulating the egg out.

I’m TTC and if I used to had a rate of reaching the big O 4 out of 5 times I had sex, when we do it on “risk days” and it’s a little bit more mechanical I’m reaching 3/5 or even 2/5 ... sad right? It is what it is, I still enjoy the ride even though if I can’t get out of the car when we arrive LOL!

Anyway my question: if we finish (or at least he does 🤣) and my only way to get the orgasm is by masturbating, do you think it helps even if the intercourse is over? Or do you think it’s only effective if it is a “penetration orgasm” Is there a window of time? Can I just get freaking pregnant so I can go back to my 4/5 🤷🏻‍♀️

I read you ladies.