Hot Off the Press!


So i go in to be induced Monday at 8am. They start pitocin at about 10 am. At that time, I’m about 3 cm. They pump the pitocin up very half hour until eventually we get to 6. By then I’m about 4 cm. Doc comes in at 1pm and breaks my water. I should mention that at the time I’m only about 50% effaced and baby not all the way engaged.

Like i said, doc breaks my water and of course it’s game on! The real contractions begin. I roll with the punches for about 30 minutes before taking the epidural. Now- let’s talk about this epidural. This mess was way too strong!!! I was almost completely numb from the waist down! Like so numb I started freaking out and crying because I thought I wouldn’t be able to feel my muscles enough to push her out! I asked if it would be a good idea to turn it down. Nurse tells me I’d regret it because I’d feel the entire delivery. In my mind, it was almost worth it!

Anyway, I stay i this nervous and hella numb state for about 3 hours and nurse comes in and checks my progress. At that time, around 4pm, I’m 10 cm, 100% effaced, abs ready to push. She tells me that we are going to try a couple of practice pushes to see if I need to pull back on the epidural. After two pushes, I see my husband’s face light up, which tells me that he sees baby. Nurse says, “Yep, you’re ready!” She calls in my doc and the rest of the crew and it’s show time!!!

One, two, three pushes and out she comes.

Please help me welcome Ms. Aria to the world 🌎!!!