Where to put my dog tomorrow when I’m leaving all day and night?

Okay my dog is 8 months old. Not trusted alone in the house for long periods of time still because she likes to destroy things. Well I stay home I don’t work so I’m almost always here during the day. When I do leave it’s usually not for long or my husband gets home from work. well tomorrow I am having to go see my grandmother who lives far from me. I just thought about what am I going to do with my dog! Usually I leave her outside when I leave all day. I have a fenced in back yard with a patio for shade. Or I’ll put her in the crate if I’m not leaving long. Well where I live it’s HOT out. We’re under a heat advisory temperatures up to 105 degrees or higher so I can’t leave her outside. I also can’t leave her in a crate for 12+hours. I can’t leave her in the house alone and my husband is out of town working what do I do?? Anyone been through this? Cancelling on my grandmother is not an option either so I’m at a loss right now ugh has anyone been through this what did you do