Baby fever

I just had my first at the end of January. A sweet little boy and although at first some nights I cry from lack of sleep and what not I still am so ready for another. PPD set in when he started sleeping through the night. I got so used to my schedule of getting up every 2 hours and what not. Now I really miss it. I miss being pregnant and I miss getting up every 2 hours to hold and cuddle my baby. I told my husband when I was getting up every 2 hours I’d be so upset and tiered and frustrated but now I deeply miss it. I told him that was my time at night when I’d get up. That was me time. Time for myself and to be with the baby. ( my husband works and I’m a SAHM) so I’d watch the baby during the day but it was just something about the night time that just made it feel like it was all my time. But now that he’s sleeping through the night it doesn’t feel right. I feel crazy for wishing things where back to the way they were but I also love being able to sleep. I feel like I’m going crazy. But the thing that stands out the most is I miss being pregnant so much. I miss all the kicks and the anticipation of seeing him on the ultrasound. I have serious baby fever but I keep telling myself I only have that because I miss being pregnant. We want more children but we are at a difference when it comes to when to have them. He wants to wait at least a year and I agreed with him at first but now I really want another. I just don’t know what to do and I don’t know how to tell my husband without him thinking I’ve gone nuts. I’ve hinted at it before but he just said after a year or so. I just don’t know what to do. I got super lucky with my first he’s a really good baby barely ever cries. I think that’s why I’m so ready. He’s such a good baby. I know that doesn’t mean the next one will be the same but I’m just so ready for it. I’m trying to hold back and trying to wait it out but I’m just so ready. We kept saying we will try again once this first one is a year old or out of diapers and I mean I know he’s like almost 1 but I’m afraid that my husband will change his mind and say he wants to wait longer.

Sorry if this is all over the place this is the way my mind has been the past couple weeks. I just needed to get it out. I just don’t know what to do or say.