Baby boy is almost here!! I can’t tell if I’m more scared or excited.

I never thought I’d be like this. I’ve been in the field of child care for over 5 years and have practically raised my siblings. Why am I so nervous about every little detail of my own baby?? He’s not even here yet and I’m over analyzing every single thing I plan on doing with him once he’s here. Is the mattress cover safe on his bed? Is it bad to have him nap in his nursery every once in a while with a baby monitor so my dog can’t be alone around him and I can do things like shower? Is it bad to have him propped up at night in the style bassinet he has or should he sleep flat? How am I going to breast feed but I know I also want my husband to help feed too? How do I start pumping? When should I start pumping? What medicines should I have on hand? Are night time colic drops really better for night time? What’s the best way to give him his first bath? The list goes on and on.

Just a few of the millions of anxious thoughts running through my head! I never thought I’d have this first time mom syndrome. But here it is hitting me harder than ever! I just want to make my baby boy happy, enjoy this experience with my hubby, and have everything go smooth. 16 more days till your due date baby boy!