Is this a part of Leap 3?

Dee • Mama to my beautiful baby girl. Born April 2019 💜

Usually it’s not easy to take my 13week LO out. She hates the car seat, used to fuss in strollers...she’s not completely calm in anything but my Moby wrap. Lately though, in the last 2 weeks or so, we saw a huge improvement.

She’s not been as fussy when outside and I’ve even managed to take her out for a few walks in the stroller.

Then today, all of a sudden, she threw a fit when I took her out for a walk. We were barely 5 mins from the house when we had to turn around and come home. Now she’s asleep in her bed.

So I don’t know if this is because she hates going out in the stroller again or is she just being fussy because of Leap 3? She’s been cranky the last two days and I’ve attributed it to Leap 3.

Anyone else faced/facing this kind of behaviour with their LO? I really hope she’s not returning to her old ways of hating the stroller.