Should I give my 9 week old Zantac

Katherine (Mum)

Has anyone given their baby Zantac and they now have allergies?

I am a new mom and I have a beautiful baby girl but she seems to have some real issues with gas and it causes her to have trouble and pain when pooping and passing gas (often causes her so much pain she screams bloody murder). She is also spitting up and vomiting a good amount and cries terribly after. She loves to eat and breastfeeds a lot! That is all she is on, all breast milk.

Her doctor prescribed Zantac to help with what she thinks is acid reflux but I’m concerned with giving it to her because I’ve read loads of articles that say it can cause trouble in the future like developing massive allergies to food and other things like hay fever, pollen and more. Has anyone given their baby Zantac and they now have allergies? I’m wondering if it is worth the risk. Also I feel like it might be making things worse, yesterday after being on Zantac for a day and a half she spit up a small amount of bright yellow fluid, I am assuming bile. That can’t be good.

Any advice would be helpful.

I’ve tried lots of other stuff to help my baby


- keeping her upright for 30 minutes after feedings

- interruption of feedings to burp her

- always burping her after feedings

- and more. Nothing seems to have made a big difference.

I’ve tried gripe water too but I’ve read now that is terrible for babies too so I’m worried it’s done some harm. I’ve used it maybe 6 or 7 times. I feel awful about that. Why do they sell it if it’s a bad thing for babies to take?

Honestly I’m just overwhelmed. I want my baby to be healthy and not suffer and when she cries in pain I want to die. Any advise would be wonderful.
