I am going crazy

KaLeigh • Much love and Baby Dust🌈. Praying for our 🌈baby soon. 6 yrs ttc. One loss. Lossing hope.

So i took an ovulation test 6/27/19 and it had a blinking smiley face. (Clearlblue brand). First one i have ever had say positice. (TMI) Me and the hubs have done the baby dance from the 25th-today everyday except the 30th and the 8th. I have tired the laying on pillows and feet up in the air. Im really confused because this past friday i had a lil bit of brown blood i think come out and then a little very very light pink blood. Then the very light pink blood happened again yestersay. My whole body hurts. My feet are swollen and my lower back hurts. Im moody, and very tired. I have been taking pregnacy tests(the strips) and so far nothing. If the test was correct id now be 11days dpo so im assuming there is no chance im prego right? Should i wait to test again til after the 14th when my period is said to start again. 😒😰

This is FMU this morning. I would say what do yall think but im pretty sure its negative. 😭