Advice? Long story .

Okay so my 7 year olds dad has always from the beginning been on drugs, in jail and just over all absent, but because his mother(my son's grandma) has money and covers up the bullshit he still has joint custody but currently it's under supervised visits(supervised by paternal grandparents) which means basically no supervision ....

In March my son's dad went back to jail for theft, unauthorized used of a vehicle and felony charge for meth, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison with a 1 year parole possibility so next July he could get out.

I got remarried 3 years ago, my husband is a good man, we have 2 daughters together and now pregnant with another baby.

My husband lost his job due to a downsize in the company and just recently got an amazing job opportunity in Montana(where he is from)

My paperwork states that I am stuck in my county (in Texas )

But the new job is paying literally double what he made here and it would help us financially so much as well as benefit the kids.

I don't want to take my son from his father or grandparents but I do want us to be able to provide and take care of our family , my husband has been looking for a job here in Texas for 3 months and he's had 3 or 4 amazing interviews but some how that's as far as he has been able to get, it's like the weirdest thing that has ever happened .

So now I'm stuck with this decision to leave the state to provide for my family or to stay here and keep struggling ...

My son's paternal grandmother is very controlling and I've always been afraid of her...

I've had lawyers tell me if he is in a prison outside of our jurisdiction then it makes our requirement for staying in this county void .

I guess I'm here to ask, what should I do? I have all the intentions of returning here in texas for multiple reasons(family and community) so my son won't be taken away from his family , he will just be states away.... And see them less

I've watched my son get heart broken over and over from his dad, countless times I've had to reassure him his father loves him he just makes bad choices and there are consequences for our actions.

Our kids deserve a better life and if this job can provide that I feel like we should take the opportunity but I'm also torn about my son and his family.....