Car accident at 28 weeks pregnant settlement?

What kind of settlement should I receive if I sue the insurance? They're offering to pay for my hospital bills. I went to the ER for 4 hours being monitored because it sent me into contractions every 4-5 minutes. They did blood work and ultrasounds and stuff. Baby is fine! After the accident it send me into panic attacks and anxiety. I couldn't sleep I'd wake up freaking out. My doctor put me on a anxiety pill.

Also since the accident my back was hurting so bad I was almost in tears. My doctor told me I can't go to the chiropractor so I'm kinda stuck. What kind of settlement could I receive? I was at a complete stop waiting for the car in front to turn when a truck slammed into me then another truck slammed into him which pushed me into the car Infront of me. I was driving my grandma's car and it was totaled