Success Stories after Laparoscopy D&C?

kesha • Twin Mommy 3.14.20 Audri & 👼🏽Aubri(3.24.20) |1/04/14💏 |one furbaby|PCOS

I should be scheduled next week for the procedure it will be inpatient because thats the only way they will cover it ;( i hate hospitals but i have been TTC for 6 years! And this is my time!

Any tips on recovery healing after surgery?

How is the pain after? I have a high pain tolerance but i never had this kind of thing done before. Sorta nervous but im grateful!

And most importantly how long did it take to conceive?

I have PCOS! And hes wanting to check for endometriosis and also my tubes for blockage! I dont have cysts but ive had one once!! Im praying no blockage and if it is that it can be fixed with no issues!