Help me

Kiara • • bisexual • atheist • equality•

I’ve been dating this guy for around a month now. He’s in the band, nerdy, and not popular or well known at all. I know stuff like that doesn’t really matter but in my town people r looked down upon for being Indian because of their culture. I’m Indian but I’m very different and not cultural so I have to defy stereotypes everyday. This guy I’m dating is white so I’m already defying one stereotype. Anyway my friends and I are kinda popular and they don’t like my boyfriend because they think he’s weird and a loser. They say that when school starts if I walk around with him they’re gonna run away. They’re right, he is a band kid, and nerdy, doesn’t really know people, and has a snap score of 2,000, but I don’t want to be the sort of person who breaks up over reputation. I like him, he treats me well. But at the same time it’s been so hard to be looked at as more than my skin color and dating him might give me a bad label. What should I do.