
Hi guys

I have been working out and I eat healthy

Most of the time I make sure I keep up with what I’m eating

I also drink plenty of water

I take great care of myself

I brush my teeth 3 times a day and bought this whitening teeth stuff but it only made my teeth worse

Great I bought this stuff for my face and I really don’t use it and I don’t know why I started using it I had ance but I overcame it

But its coming back

Now its so saddening and I just wanna crawl in a hole and cry I’m trying I don’t eat chocolate I work out 3 times a day

I drink lots of water but before my ance came back I use to touch my face a lot it used to be so soft

I was so insecure with ance I didn’t feel beautiful and here I am trying to lose weight and much more and my ance comes back

People with ance are beautiful


It’s just im trying to better myself only pushing myself 5 steps backwards