Advice please 😭

Okay so I have a cute dog that I love. A miniature dachshund.

He seems to despise babies. Kids 3-4 and up hes cool with but babies he looks at them like he wants to eat them. Literally.

I have a 6 month old and have been trying to introduce him ever since baby came home but he always attempts to bite baby. He was like this with my nephew as well who I would watch. I'm just tired of seeing him look at my LO like he's delicious. He's always staring and licking his doggy mouth then grinding his teeth when I try to introduce him(after telling him no not to bite). I do NOT want to return him to breeder(great people they do contracts and everything) but I'm seriously afraid he'll never like my LO or even babies in general (because I ain't done having kids). What can I do? He does GREAT on walks with baby in stroller that he can easily reach baby but never bugs baby when we walking. But this behavior has my family telling me to get rid of him. And my baby does come first but I don't want it to come to that.