The wait

Queen 💕 • 26•#1 due April '21💙👣

Here I am, 7 days away from the possible AF... this is when I start freaking out... every little thing is a “symptom”. I had slight bleeding yesterday, I don’t think I’ve ever bled mid cycle. It was day 22, could it have been implantation 🤷🏽‍♀️😭 I was so moody yesterday, everything was pissing me off, and I was tired all day 😭. I had to go to the ER for my ankle a Tuesday, (I am fine) had to get X-rays, of course they asked if there was a possibility of pregnancy. I took the test, they never gave me results, even on my papers it said I completed it, but no results. I figured it would be too early any ways.... right now I’m slightly nauseous, and that could be a million things... 7 days and then we should know. But it’s so hard not to think every little thing is a possible symptom when you know the regular symptoms... Anyone else playing the “maybe a symptom” game?

I just want a baby!! 😭😭

Baby dust to all TTC! ✨🤞🏽✨🤞🏽✨

May you see your BFP in 2019!