
How did any of you get over the fear of another miscarriage? I had a mmc at 11 weeks in May and I thought I handled it really well. We got the test done and found out she had turners syndrome so I know it had nothing to do with me. I thought I was going to be fine if I ever got pregnant again. Well here I am either 13 or 14 dpo. I started getting positives tests like day 8 or 9 and they have gotten darker each day but this mornings was lighter than yesterday evening. Granted I held my pee yesterday for like 8 hours and drank minimal water ( I was working on a boat with no bathroom) I know the tests can vary depending on potency of urine but I can’t help seem to not think of that as a bad sign. I also had some light brown spotting when I wiped along with almost like yellowish mucus discharge. I did not have that with my previous pregnancy. I had cramps but never any spotting.

Anyways sorry for the rant I just don’t know how to emotionally deal with all of this in a good way.