Baby not interested in formula

My 6 month old baby girl has recently started not being interested in her formula. She’s been on solids since she was 4 1/2 months. Her pediatrician said she was ready. But the last few days, she just isn’t interested in taking her bottle. She gets 3 solid meals a day and I give her a little bit of water after each meal. She also gets 4 bottles throughout the day, as well as a bottle in the night because she isn’t sleeping through the night yet. It’s like all of a sudden she’s just not interested in her formula. Is this just a phase? I can’t give her Solids every time she’s hungry! Or is it just she doesn’t need as many bottles now? Any advice would be appreciated!

I should note, she has no problem taking her bottle in the night and right before bed. It’s just during the day she’s doing this!