Frustrating and confusing month


So this month I did 5mg of Femara CD 3-7... no big deal. Went in for my monitoring ultrasound and nothing. Follicles were not being nice. So about the third week of the cycle we did a stair step dose... 7.5mg Femara for 5 days. However, I went in after that for another ultrasound to see what the follicles were doing and nothing. So we did bloodwork (two days in a row) and my progesterone levels rose. So we assumed I ovulated on my own during the weekend. Fast forward to now. I’m on CD 39 and no period, no positive pregnancy test. I had bloodwork again, negative HCG and progesterone is at 3.3. Therenwas fluid in my uterus and a 5cm cyst... Now here’s where my confusion comes...

In one week, if I don’t start my period I will have to do more bloodwork (HCG) and go from there. If I do they are putting me on the birth control pill... what’s going on?! Has anyone else been here?! I’m so flustered with my body right now 😔