False positive?? Help!

Erica • 🌈 👶🏼 #1 due 5/2020

2.5 weeks ago my doc diagnosed me with mild Hashimotos and put me on thyroid meds. I normally ovulate around cd20/21 which would have been July 1, but I never got a positive opk or temp spike. So Finally on cd26 I got a positive but now and cd 30 and still getting strong positives and no temp spike. So I was thinking maybe my meds were throwing me off. On a whim I took a pregnancy test and it looks positive (first pic). I then took a bunch of others which look negative to me. I’ve taken 3 the same brand and all have vfls. What’s happening?! Any insight would be really appreciated

I have had 3 miscarriages and don’t want to get my hopes up so please be kind