Can our relationship be fixed? Need advice !

A little bit of background. I’m 20, and have a 2 year old daughter. I live with my grandma, mom and aunt.

Me and my boyfriends relationship hasn’t been the best. We haven’t even been together a year yet but so much has went on. Last year around June I moved to Tennessee. I met him in September last year at our job and we ended up dating. He was sweet and a southern boy and was way different from anyone I’d dated before. The relationship started off good. On my part I did wrong because I was still texting outside of our relationship. But I stopped and everything was okay. He told me I was too clingy literally up until December and then that all changed lol. So around December he decided we should move in together and I went with it because it sounded like a good idea. So in January he moved in with me and my family , until we could afford our own place. He had always been kind of aggressive and wanted things his way,but I didn’t look too much into. In the beginning part of our relationship I really wasn’t sure if I was even good enough for him because he comes from a really good life and he’s all put together and I’m not. But then in January me and him got into it, and he pushed me off my bed and basically into my daughter. Me and him talked about it and he said he wouldn’t act like that anymore. We started arguing a lot but we tried to get along. Fast forward to February, I ended up cheating on him, with a one night stand. He ended up staying with a friend for a few months. Me and him worked past that and I started going to counseling and promised myself that I was going to fix our relationship because of how much I care for him. I haven’t been unfaithful since and I’ve been going to counseling twice a month. So we seemed to be gettin better. And he moved back in with us. But then he started complaining and getting mad at me more. He get mad one night because I fell asleep on the couch with my daughter without giving her a bath. He shook me awake, took her and gave her a bath and wouldn’t let me in the bathroom and wen I tried to come in he pushed me out and pushed me down. Time just keeps going on , him and my mom constant fighting. Me and him constantly fighting . One day in the car he smacked me in the face with a huge stack of papers , and it messed up my glasses. So he decides he’s going to go to counseling to work on his anger. He stops being so angry but we have another incident where he throws the tablet at me, with my daughter standing right next to me and it literally goes super close to her but still hits me. So he’s stopped being so aggressive but I recently found out I was pregnant and I’ve been super sick and not able to work. Instead of being aggressive now he just complains and gets mad because I don’t feel good, and tells me no one understands him and all types of stuff. He finally got his own place and I’m on the lease but I’m just not comfortable with staying there so we always argue about that.i still stay there but sometimes I stay over my grandmas and he gets so pissed. And the other night he woke me up in the middle of the night because he was mad that I didn’t want to have sex earlier that night.

But then I also know I don’t cook as often as I should and I don’t always want to have sex because of how bad I’ve felt. And it wasn’t like this until I got so sick. Before I got pregnant I was doing my share but I still feel bad and just don’t know what to do.

Edit * I’m also scared he’ll take my baby away from me. He’s always told me that if I got pregnant he’ll fight me for full custody , and that he’d win because he’s got more goin for him and he’s got his parents money.

And another , *he didn’t lock himself in the bathroom with her , he was pissed cause I didn’t give her a bath so he ran her bath but he left the door open but jus made me stand outside the doorway cause he was irritated I didn’t do it myself.

And I’ve also had people tell me they don’t feel like it’s abuse because the incidents are so spread out and he didn’t hit me or anything like that. His last relationship ended because he choked her.

** me and him just got into an argument again and he told me he jacked off onto my moms pillow because he was mad at her

I’m just stuck and don’t know what to think. Someone please give me some advice or help.