Opinions on “Purity Culture”


Purity culture is a very key part of growing up with religious parents in church. It’s the restriction of sex before marriage, and includes pledges, purity rings, and a general focus around abstinence.

I believe that purity culture is harmful to both teenagers and young adults alike.

It excludes sexual education and creates a stigma around all things sexual. Young Christians are left ignorant and inexperienced; without knowledge of consent, sexual orientation, and safe sex.

I am a firm believer in sexual education and the availability of protection. Purity culture robs these key aspects of sexuality from young Christians and it’s dangerous.

I’m sure this goes the same for other religions, but I only have experience within my own faith.

So from believers and non-believers alike, what do you think about purity culture, and how do you think it can be fixed?

Edit: I do want to clarify that I am a Christian and have practiced abstinence. I chose that way of life because it’s what I believed was right for me. My point is: there are many cases where children are heavily misinformed and kept in the dark about sex, and it’s more prevalent than one would think.