Playing games already??


This guy and I have been talking for a little while and ever since we met, he’s been really sweet. He even said how he wanted to be my everything and made it seem as if one day he could see us be something more. Long story short he knew the right things to say at the right time and it did seem genuine and he would call me babe and all that shit. Well today we planned on going to the park this morning but we ended up not doing that since it was raining where he was at. Then he said he can just come to me but it would be 5/6 pm then I said I wanted to do earlier and he replied back to me saying he can get ready and be on his way then but then that’s when things went wrong. When I texted him asking what we were gonna do, I didn’t hear back from him at all and I still haven’t. I get that people are busy and he doesn’t owe me anything since we just started talking but I know as of right now he does nothing since he’s not working right now. I posted on snap chat and he even looked at it so I’m kinda confused. I don’t want to overreact but it’s like I feel like he does owe me some type of explanation for not responding earlier cuz he came on so strong to me and gave me that impression that he wanted to treat me better than anyone. My question is what do I do now? It’s like I’m getting Déjà vu with the last guy I used to talk to cuz he would say he wanted me but prove otherwise with his actions and I don’t want to play a game I want to know now if my time is going to be wasted or not. If I should text him today, what should I say that will make him reply?

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