Answers pls


This post is kinda long. I'm 24 yrs old, and my period is irregular. I haven't got my period for 4months. I've been diagnosed with pcos 2yrs ago. Last period was January, finally went to the doctor by June 10 to know what's going on and had a pap smear. Gave me prescription for birth control pills which is Junel fe 1/20, to help regulate my period. Next day got bleeding lasted for 2-3 days which I think was because of the pap smear process. On June 27, I had a bleeding again that lasted for 4 days. Ever since I start taking the pills. I've missed taking 2 of it. One from week 2 and another on week 3. On July 6th, me and my coworker had a night, oral, handjobs and masturbation. I'm really worried because he cummed and then semen went to his hands. He wiped it off the towel. Next thing is I don't remember if he fingered me after that. Which he said he didn't. I'm worried that he might have fingered me with some semen. Would that result to......? I've taken plan b the next day.