Love or happiness

At what point do you make the line from you love your partner but your not happy anymore?

I’m almost 23, we’ve been together for 5 years and have an almost 4 year old. I love him but I’m bored, he has no drive to do bigger things career wise. He wants to be home all the time, doesn’t like to go out. The whole time we have been together, been on only maybe 5/6 dates. And some of those we probably had our son with us...

I feel like it’s a dumb reason to leave someone just cause they don’t like going out and stuff but I’m young, I should be happy and living my best life with my partner and we’re wasting Unpromised days away...

I need someone to talk me down. I’ve had multiple talks with him about things I’d appreciate he do differently or motivate him to do and he says he will but I see no changes.

Do I stay for love or go for happiness somewhere else??

Please don’t judge me, just a confused woman asking for some input.