Anyone else?

Hi everyone! Gotta quick question or concern rather.

It’s 3 days b4 my period and for the past couple days and today I’ve had to wear a panty liner for heavy discharge. Today was the heaviest. Not so heavy to where I had to keep changing liners but farm close to that point I guess. Anyway today’s discharge is so strong. Smells like an acidic type bleach up close but from afar smells more like a stale old diaper. It’s not an odd color and it’s more watery than creamy. Also, I’ve heard it mentioned that a man’s semen can bring about this smell if ejaculated inside me cause PH to be thrown off BUT I haven’t been sexually active in like 6 months so... What is this? Why? Why the smell? And also does this happen to anyone else? And if so so, what do you do?

Thanks glow sisters