Thoughts? Husband going to happy hour with female coworker

First off, I do realize it’s hard to look at a situation without knowing anything about someone’s relationship. I’ll try to give as much info as briefly as I can, but honestly I just want to know if I’m crazy or not.. sometimes I don’t know if my feelings are in line with a normal person or I’m just overreacting.

My husband is from a different country. We’ve been together 6 years, married for 2, and I’m 7 months pregnant with our first. We live in the states now and he immigrated here when we got married. The past few years or so, our relationship has been kind of rocky. He wants us to move back to his home country so he can be near his family. I’ve made it clear to him since before we were married that I don’t want to move there anytime soon. So I feel this is causing him to be overall unhappy here and that’s affecting his mood. Most of the time he’s easily irritable, grouchy and we just get into stupid fights SO much. I’ve tried having civil convos with him but it just doesn’t happen- he doesn’t want to talk, rarely admits when he’s wrong and just assumes every “talk” we try to have ends up being useless or turns into a fight so he doesn’t want to try. He could say a whole lot about my faults too (and I do have things to work on, like everyone) but anyways, I wanted to get an outside opinion on this convo we had today. I feel like I can’t reason with him to make realize how he is and maybe other people’s perspective will help us both come to realizations...

Convo is below. Basically we were fighting the past few days, and just started to talk again. While I was at work today he told me he was going to happy hour with his female coworker and that I wasn’t invited. He mentions not being invited to lunches with my friends but he’s talking about my two female friends whom I have weekly lunch with during our work hour since we work near each other. He was never “invited” officially but if he wanted to come I would definitely say sure no problem. I should also note that we’ve had issues in the past with him seeking out attention from other women. He never physically cheated but did sext a girl before and has toyed the line with being “too close” to his female friends.. (calling them baby and babe, for example). We moved passed it but him going to happy hour with a female coworker just hits a nerve with me, especially the way he nonchalantly said I couldn’t come. We also talked face to face after this and he basically told me that he wants to be free to do hang out with a friend away from me and that he does not want me to come with him and that I’ll meet her another day.

Anyways, I just wanted to get someone’s thoughts on this.. so if you read, thank you and I’m sorry this post is so long!