CSV: Your thoughts?


Did anyone have one? I’d love to hear your experiences, both positive and negative. Or, if you had a breech baby and ultimately decided not to get one, I’d love to hear about that too, and why you felt that way.

Our baby is breech and I will be 36 weeks in a few days. My OB calls her Flipper, because since 20 weeks she’s been head down, footling breech, back to head down, transverse, head down again and now frank breech. My OB is going over options with us and one was CSV. ultimately I think my husband and I are leaning toward not doing it, because she has moved so much already we feel she could still move again.

And yes I have heard of both spinning babies and Webster’s. And I have a doula who is helping me. I have been trying everything and I am trying to avoid a c-section, but at the end of the day if that is what she needs to get here safely I’ll do it, of course, without hesitation.

Thanks for reading!