So relieved


Finally, after a delay, we got our NIPT test results back. The results are, in the words of my gyn, that all is “good”.

That’s all she can say to me due to restrictive laws in Germany that prevent the mother from knowing what the sex of the baby is or what specific genetic conditions it might have before 14 weeks. So, under 14 weeks, the most you can know about your NIPT test results is whether they are “good” or “bad”. I can’t imagine what it must be like to hear “bad” and then have to wait however much longer to find out why. That just seems like unnecessary torture.

These laws are apparently to stop sex-selection abortions and to make the mother think twice about aborting genetically unhealthy babies, for example those who might test positive for Down’s. I think the law is too restrictive but 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anyway, that one word, “good” was ALL I needed to hear. I can wait another 4-5 days to be 14 weeks and find out the sex and other details. I do have a gender I prefer but what really matters is that all is well, they are healthy, and I will love them regardless!

It’s amazing the weight that lifts when you know everything is going to be ok. Absolutely amazing. Sorry for the gushy post. Good luck to everyone.