Born at 36.5 weeks


First pregnancy. I started having contractions at 35 weeks and was already 1 centimeter dilated. I went back to the hospital a couple times thinking this time I must be dilated enough or my water must have broken but nope and nope they would keep me for about an hour and then send me home. Eventually they gave me a shot to develop my baby's lungs because my midwife figured that she would probably come early. I went in that Friday, got sent home again. Had my baby shower on Saturday, was having mild contractions there haha and Saturday night they started becoming more intense. Around 3 am I was woken up by the pain so I got in the bathtub for some relief. By this point I was determined not to go to the hospital unless I knew for sure that I wouldnt be sent home. I labored all morning getting in and out of the tub and walking around my house. Eventually around 12:30 I thought I felt my water break so I thought we should probably go to the hospital. After my husband insisting that he finish cooking his lunch and bringing it with him, we went to the hospital. I started to feel the urge to push although I didn't realize that is what it was at first. I checked in and the nurse discovered I was at a ten so they immediately wheeled me down to the delivery room. We arrived at 1:15 and our litte girl was born at 1:56 pm.

Elena Maria Raudales. 5lbs 6 ozs and 19 inches.